SCOSS Expression of Interest 2024

*** The call for SCOSS Expression of Interest 2024 is now open. ***

Invitation to Open Science Infrastructure and services

French version

Portuguese version

Spanish version


Having raised over €5.8 million to sustain vital, non-commercial infrastructure and services within the Open Science community; the Global Sustainability Coalition for Open Science Services (SCOSS) is searching for new potential candidate organisations to fund during the 2024 to 2026 SCOSS funding cycle. We welcome applications from across the world: particularly from Asia and Africa, although all regions are invited to apply.

In short, this is how the initiative works: SCOSS provides the framework and funding structure, vetting potential candidates based on a defined set of criteria. The most eligible of those that pass the vigorous evaluation are then presented to the global
Open Access/Open Science community of stakeholders with an appeal for monetary support in a crowdfunding-style approach.

In 2024, the SCOSS Board is seeking potential candidates for preliminary assessment.
At minimum, each candidate infrastructure must meet the following four basic qualifications:

  1. Have been established for at least two years, and can demonstrate their sustainability challenge. The kinds of costs in scope for SCOSS support could include operations or innovation to make the infra technically or financially more sustainable.
  2. Have a non-profit status in the country in which they are based and/or be affiliated with or owned by a research or educational institution. 
  3. Services provided must be of multi-national or international relevance and
  4. Be broadly relevant to more than one research discipline.


It is important that each of these elements is clearly addressed in the EOI.



Applications should identify how their services or infrastructure support one or more of the SCOSS Board prioritised themes for 2024:

  1. Diamond Open Access services or infrastructure
  2. Other Open publishing services, tools and platforms
  3. Open research data infrastructure and services
  4. Research assessment reform tools
  5. International networks that focus on standard-setting, including identifiers and others


At the same time, SCOSS remains open to receiving applications coming from other types of services that address other themes outlined in the SCOSS strategic plan.



Candidate organisations which are interested in seeking SCOSS funding are invited to complete the Expression of Interest (EOI) Form. Organisations that were unsuccessful in a previous round are invited to resubmit as appropriate. 

Organisations can learn more about the process and benefits by contacting to arrange a time to discuss their questions and application ideas prior to submission. 

We will consider applications in other languages than English and see the French, Portuguese and Spanish versions above). Please get in touch with SCOSS to clarify.

To be considered, all EOIs must be submitted to by
Friday, 15 March 2024 at 5pm CET. 



We advise that you respond to all sections succinctly while at the same time clearly articulating your case since the space you have to do so is limited.

SCOSS will evaluate all submissions and a small selection of applications which best meet the SCOSS basic qualifications and themes while making a clear, strong case for community support will be invited to move to the next stage to complete a more comprehensive application form, which includes an agreed work plan, in 2024. 

Generally, no more than three shortlisted applications per cycle will be invited to enter into confidential contractual negotiations with SPARC Europe. During this process, applicant organisations will be expected to share selected governance documentation as part of the risk assurance and contract process. 

Once contracts have been finalised, SCOSS will publicly announce the supported infrastructure for the pledging cycle and for three years. 

SCOSS has produced an FAQ: to help organisations with the EOI application process. 

NOTE: All data shared here will be handled confidentially and according to SPARC Europe's Privacy Policy:

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