The SCOSS application process is comprised of two primary phases:

ONE: Submission of Expression of Interest
TWO: Full Application Process

Each year, SCOSS places a call for Expressions of Interest (EoI) in preparation for the next funding cycle. The call is published here on the SCOSS website and also shared through numerous member networks and email lists worldwide.

Once the EoIs are collected, the SCOSS Advisory Group begins its evaluation process which tends to last between six and eight months. The Advisory Group selects a maximum of six services to invite to advance to the next phase; the Board has final approval of the Advisory Group's shortlist.

Those services that accept the invitation to advance to phase two, the formal application process, must complete a much more involved and in-depth information gathering process. They need to fill in this Application Form. Once the full applications are submitted, they are reviewed by the SCOSS Advisory Group, which makes its recommendation to the Board. Between three and four services/infrastructure are selected for each funding cycle. Once the final decision is made by the Board, the services are become formally "SCOSS recommended" and are presented to the community for funding.