Creating long-term sustainability is a challenge for many open science and open access infrastructures and building longer-term partnerships is key.
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Annual progress reports from the SCOSS Family
Annual reports: SCOSS 2nd and 3rd pledging cycle infrastructures reflect on progress made with SCOSS funding
The Dutch Research Council is funding 3 SCOSS infrastructures to the tune of 72,000 euros
SCOSS is most grateful to the Dutch Research Council’s (NWO) commitment to Open infrastructure. The NWO is one of the few SCOSS national research funder pledgers so far!
The French National Open Science Fund provides long-term support for international open science infrastructures
The French National Open Science Fund (FNSO) is providing financial support to four international infrastructures selected by SCOSS as part of its funding campaigns. After the support provided in 2020 and 2022, France thus renews its commitment to sustainable international infrastructures for open science.
Canada demonstrates once again its solid commitment to open infrastructure
We would like to warmly thank the Canadian Research Knowledge Network (CRKN) and the Canadian Association of Research Libraries (CARL) for Canada’s donation to the infrastructures Dryad, LA Referencia, and ROR of the 4th SCOSS funding round! The donation brings the total of pledges to SCOSS infrastructures over the years to over 5 million euros.
LIBER, EIFL and SCOSS joint webinar: Keeping open infrastructure open – The SCOSS 4th pledging round info session
Switzerland generously supports Dryad, LA Referencia and ROR!
After its impressive commitment in 2022 for our 3rd pledging cycle and its donations to the SCOSS Pilot cycle, Switzerland reaffirms its investment in open science infrastructure and its support to the SCOSS programme by financing the three infrastructures from the most recent cycle: Dryad, LA Referencia and ROR.
Going into fourth gear: SCOSS launches its 4th pledging round
“ SCOSS is thrilled to announce the launch of its fourth pledging cycle. Each of the chosen projects is already an established and well-known infrastructure with high usage and making an important contribution to open scholarship. They all need the community support to foster continued innovation, increased resilience and financial sustainability.” Martin Borchert, Chair of the SCOSS Board.
The time has come! SCOSS is going into fourth gear announcing its 4th SCOSS pledging round with three new Open Science Infrastructure services partnering with us and needing your help in creating a sustainable future for them. After careful evaluation, SCOSS has selected Dryad, LA Referencia, and ROR for this fourth funding cycle.
The French National Fund for Open Science pledges 210.000 euros for Open Science Infrastructure
After its record pledge to SCOSS in 2020, France comes back with more funds for Open Science Infrastructure. The French Open Science Steering Committee announced its decision to support three SCOSS-promoted infrastructures: arXiv, Redalyc/AmeliCA, and DOAJ. The generous pledge amounts to 70.000 euros for each infrastructure, adding up to a total of 210.000 euros.
The funds are coming from The French National Fund for Open Science (FNSO), which is the financial instrument of the French Plan for Open Science. The fund was formed to support projects and initiatives that are advancing Open Science. The French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, together with French universities and research performing organisations, jointly contribute to the fund.
You did it! Over 4 million euros pledged to OS infrastructure
After the generous pledge to DOAB and OAPEN, PKP, and OpenCitations last year, several institutional members and customers of the Consortium of Swiss Academic Libraries have now pledged funding to three services currently being promoted by SCOSS: arXiv, Redalyc/AmeliCA and DSpace and to two infrastructures from the SCOSS Pilot cycle: DOAJ and Sherpa Romeo.