ARL on How SCOSS Is Strengthening Global Open Access and Open Science Infrastructure


The American Association of Research Libraries (ARL) just published a blog post on How SCOSS Is Strengthening Global Open Access and Open Science Infrastructure. As stated by ARL's Judy Ruttenberg, Senior Director of Scholarship and Policy, "2020’s global health crisis, with associated physical access restrictions and financial hardship, has brought the value of open into sharp relief. Attending to at-risk open science infrastructure now, through initiatives like SCOSS, helps secure a competitive market for scholarly innovation. If we cede the market exclusively to large commercial entities, those entities will control the direction of open scholarship and open access."

Ruttenberg later makes the point that several OS services are in need of and worthy of community funding by US institutions explaining that "if open, community-governed infrastructure services are going to succeed as core resources for scholars today and in the future, they will need institutional support even in times of budget constraint".

SCOSS hopes that the US scholarly communications community and its academic libraries will help contribute to putting some of the SCOSS recommended services on a more stable footing.